A few new developments

A weekend not spent camping usually means a productive day or two in the garden. This weekend we didn't go camping so we managed to tidy up a bit, pull weeds, move some of our squash and cucumber vines around and work in our compost bins a bit. To those who are new to reading here, we do both traditional compost and Vermicompost. Traditional composting is more or less just moving your kitchen scraps into a large vessel of some sort (we used a recycled cheap plastic trash can with a lid that has holes drilled in through the sides). Allow the scraps to slowly decompose and within three to six months you have new fertile soil, ready to feed your plants. Vermicomposting is composting but with the help of worms. We use Red Wigglers because they are more tolerant of warmer temperatures. During the winter months they will survive, eat, and reproduce but very slowly. During the summer months as the temperatures rise the worms’ production rises. I no...