New House, New Garden

We've had a pretty earth shattering winter. The past two years, since moving back here to Fairbanks, Alaska our goal has been to expand our garden. To finally have some land to do with what we would like. Two years ago we looked at a fixer upper, but alas, it was not meant to be. After much struggling to make it work, to purchase that house, it fell through. We went into the winter of 2014 dejected and sad. We knew we had to change some things about our life financially so we buckled down and put quite a bit to the side, paid off some bills so that hopefully, next time we fell in love with a house we could actually buy SAID house. In January of 2016 we knew we had made some pretty good progress on our financial goals, we knew we had made some progress cleaning up some of the damages from our previous renters on our current home in Fairbanks, so we decided, tentatively, to take a look at a couple of houses during the weekend of the Martin Luther King holid...