Fear & Uncertainty Escalates

This morning I brought in fresh Bing cherries to work that we purchased a week or so ago at our local commissary.  Anyone here on the East coast knows that cherries are no longer in season here.  Their time passed in June for us.   
As I snacked on these while I worked on reservations for passengers, processed schedule changes I was hit with the most intense uncertainty and fear right in between the eyes.  Two more full days before our challenge begins. 
This most recent grocery shopping we started with a list of about 5 items.  Deli meats; white chocolate; cheese sticks;  sugar; and zip lock bags.
An hour later we left with about $150 worth of filled reusable bags.  My husband and I both attritibuted it to simply that we were "stocking up" for the drought ahead.  We were buying the things that we know we will not be able to get starting September.
The thought of weaning ourselves off the grocery store is actually rather scary.  As of three days from now we will be able to shop at the grocery store but we will only be able to spend $30 every two weeks there.
Think about that.  That just about equals some laundry detergent, maybe some zip lock bags, and if we have a coupon maybe some toilet paper.
No bing cherrries.  No chocolate.  No candy.  No pretzels.
Wow.  It's hard to swallow that idea.  We can get the basics but none of our "comfort foods" that each one of us loves.
So at one point this morning I thought "My God, will we be able to do this?"  Is it possible?
The rational, logical side of me answered flippantly "Of course we will" as I popped one of those sweet, juicy cherries in my mouth, but the question remains.  Will we be able to do this and not feel as if we are seriously deprived?
Time will tell........


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