Progress on an Alaskan Homestead

I can’t believe the year is almost over with. Its Mid-November, the ground is fully covered with snow (finally), and we’re just about done for the season. This year seemed to be more about protein farming than our garden really; when I sit and ponder it. Slowly but surely our property is becoming more and more productive. In July I posted that it seemed as if our meat rabbit production was not doing as well but suddenly come September that all changed. We had two surprise litters and we had a friend drop off some of her grow outs as she was getting out of rabbits for a while. This pushed our meat harvested massively up. That definitely helps counter the cost of raising the rabbits. While I love my breeder rabbits (Bones, Pepper, Dorothy, Cadbury, Butterfinger, Granny Cookie) they are not simply pets. As any protein farmer knows, these are also my livestock. I get to know each and every one. Their likes and dislikes,...