New front bed completed!

Actually we completed the front bed over 2 weeks ago but we finally had the time AND the money to get the compost and till up by hand the area a bit.  It looks so much better!  However it appears that some monster is getting to the Marina di Chioggia simply because they're being broken.  I'm guessing it's the neighbors dog but since I haven't seen him do that to those plants I can't tell for sure.  I know our neighbors dog has killed one of our watermelons and almost killed a cabbage.

Two weeks later, this is what we have.  The Snapdragons were free from our CSA share at Brad's Produce which help dress this area up a bit.  More beans are planted and the cabbage looks a bit better.

The Marina di Chioggia closest to the camera seems to be the one with the most injury.  The other one is constantly on again, off again healthy.  Weird.  
The Yarrow of course is happy almost wherever I place it along with the marigolds.  Those are so hard to kill, you almost have to go after them with weed killer to destroy them.  

By the way, very shortly here a new blog will be following that will be all about Vermicomposting as well as a video on our backyard, which if you follow my blogs you know that is pretty rare!


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