Vermicomposting Week 1& Status of the backyard

Wednesday our little friends arrived in the mail!!!  Approximately 250 of Red Wigglers along with several little cocoons which will hatch later on and provide even more worms. (or as we call them for our son "squirmy wormies")
So Wednesday night hubby and I had to prepare their new home. Luckily enough I had already picked up the rubbermaid containers from Target.  Great deal for $5.99 each.  Not bad!
Then hubby got out his power drill and proceeded to drill holes for ventilation.  
We drilled all around the top with just about an inch apart from each one.  We didn't go very far down simply because I've heard red wigglers like to explore.  I didn't want them to find a hole and explore right on out of our container!  

We also did loads and loads of holes on the top.  I figured it would take a pretty creative worm to get to the top of the bin!  

Next was the bottom.  I read pretty much everywhere that it's important to drill holes in the bottom to allow excess moisture to drip down below.  Later this will turn into a super powerful fertilizer that you actually have to water down to use!

We drilled about 10 holes total using a very small drill bit.  As you can see in the photo we did it on the areas where it dropped down a little.  That way when moisture became too much it would follow gravity and then drip down from there to the bottom bin.  

After that we were ready to set up the bed for our new garbage eaters...uh I mean worms.  

I placed some used pots from greenhouses on the bottom of the first UNdrilled bin so that way the top bin wouldn't be sitting in standing water.  This is a great way of using up all those extra pots you might have from Home Depot or Lowes!  
For some odd reason a good portion of these pictures are coming out sideways!
Next, we placed the two bins together.  

Next step, we placed some brown paper garbage bags on the bottom that we had torn up.  I've seen some use cardboard but I had none at hand.  
This makes it where moisture can get through but your new pets can't. (however I've still read stories of new worm owners getting distressed because their worms are on the run!)

Next, the soil and coconut husk.  Luckily enough we had a used one from last years hanging baskets. So I tore it up somewhat, then placed potting soil and some torn up used tissue and paper towel into the bed.  
We're ready for scraps and worms now!  Just remember, it's really important to drip some water on these layers.  Worms are mostly water and their skin dries out really fast if in a dry environment.  You don't want this dry.  You need your environment nice and moist.  
Don't worry about going overboard on this.  You want these bottom layers to be about as moist as a damp sponge. 

From this point on it's all video which to anyone who reads my blogs, you'll know I don't do videos much.  I just felt I could better show the progress of everything this time via video than just pictures.  
So with that all said, please sit back and enjoy.


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