
Temperatures have finally begun to cool and we sigh a breath of relief. The growing season is almost done which means our canning and preserving will now drop down to only small amounts each week. I cannot tell you how grateful I am though, that while there was so much work to do, each and every day, we now have so much more in our larder. But even more, I have learned so much more this year about canning and preserving that it shocks me to think back to even four years ago. We have tried so many new things this year, so many new recipes. I'm just so glad that I have posted these here so that in several years from now I can retry these again later. Next year we will not be canning or preserving to the extent we did this year as next year we will be moving. Whether it is due to a military Permanent Change of station (PCS) or retirement. My husbands time of 20 years of serving his country in the US Army is about up and it's time for us to begin the...