Preparing for Autumn....The Fall Garden

Yes, we are preparing for Autumn. Even though to us these temperatures make us hardly wince. To Sourdoughs from Alaska, 60 degree temperatures mean either late spring, early summer or early Autumn. Still we try to follow the calendar for this area as it seems so do our plants. I guess they know better than us that it's time to quit, no matter how hot it still feels to us. Our tomatoes have almost completely thrown in the towel. They know they're done. They're just begging to be taken away. Still though, we've left them to allow those few green tomatoes to ripen naturally. Later those will turn into our Ketchup for this year along with others we've picked and frozen. Within the next two weeks Fava Beans and Rye will be planted in our tomato bed and our eggplant and bell pepper bed. This will help with the nitrogen levels and of course add more organic material back into the soil. On the other hand our winter garden is just gett...