Growth & New Plantings

Last night I planted two varieties of Swiss chard; Fordhook Giant and Organic Red & White. Two varieties of Spinach; Bloomsdale & Renegade Hybrid. I want to also start some seedlings of Arugula but I don't know if I have the room!!!
As it stands I need to start my herbs. I have Feverfew that I use to treat headaches and then my cooking herbs to get started. So far the only seeds I have are basil, cilantro and dill.
I plan to possibly start some oregano and maybe parsley here soon. Again, all dependent on space.
That reminds me I need to set up the timer on the lights we have for the "nursery" for our seedlings.
We have 5 seeds coming up. 1 Super Sugar snap, 2 National Pickling Cucumber, 2 White Wonder Cucumbers.
The cukes are no suprise. Neither Edward and I are also suprised about the pea. Those are always easy.
I noticed yesterday while we were working the soil in the second bed that some arugula was coming up. Too bad I noticed it AFTER pulling it up with the rake. I'd love to direct sow some Arugula seeds into the bed where they'll go however we have to still get the manure and soil to raise the bed (aka soil) level.
We have one more big bed to make today, the two smaller for the okra and finally ONE BIG ONE for out front for the Twice as Nice Melon and the Watermelon, sugar baby. That is a last minute addition as I have the seeds so I figure I might as well try to plant it.
Earlier this week I also planted Carciofo di Romagna Artichokes. From all the reading I've done I see we won't get much this year but possibly next year we will.
One last bit before I sign off.
My 5 year old son, Nicholas, requested that his plant this year will be purple potatoes. Now, I've never grown a potato before!!! So I've been researching that like crazy. My biggest issue has been that I always felt that potatoes just take up so much darn room!
I did find a way to grow them using a Potato Condo idea.
Here is a link to a blog discussing the idea..
What a NEAT idea! Originally we were going to purchase a potato planter from Burpee for 29.95 but this seems like it might be a cheaper idea. I don't know. I'm still weighing the advantages, space issues and disadvantages to it.
We're running out of space and fast! I also found a website with super cheap seeds!
At least when it comes to potatoes!!! I found it somehow or another through reading an article.
Their company name is Wood Prairie Farm and they're based in Maine.
I'll update later on what we're going to do.
Mushrooms will be up soon in our plans. We're hoping to grow buttons, shitakes and oysters.
That's not happening for another month and a half though.


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